Help documents |
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1. TeamHB week |
Here are the main events that happen in TeamHB world (server time): Daily/weekly update
Transfers - Every day at 01:00 AM
Construction update - Every day at 00:30 AM Injuries - Every day at 02:00 Training - Every Monday at 04:00 AM Youth players pull reset - Every 1st and 15th of the month Economy update (plus wages, income and expenses) - Every Wednesday at 04:00 AM Matches
League games - Saturday/Sunday
Regional Cup games - Tuesday/Wednesday Friendly games - Monday League of Champions games - Thursday Game processing
Non-cup games are processed (update of player/game stats, league tables) about 10 minutes after the games have finished. Cup games are processed (update of player/game stats, draw for next round) about 1 hour and 40 minutes after the games have started – this gives enough time for: normal playing time (2x30min), first overtime (2x5min), second overtime (2x5min) and penalty throws (10 min) + about 10 minutes for the game processing to start. |
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1. What happens with the info I give you when I buy a Supporter account? |
All transactions happen on outside servers of our partners, like for example PayPal. We do not have access to that data thus we can't store any of it on our database. |
2. What happens with the data I provide when registering to your game? |
As we don't ask for a lot of information when you register to TeamHB we'll limit the answer to e-mails and passwords. So, your e-mail is stored in our database and will not be used in a malicious manner (by sending “spam mail” for example), nor will it be sold or given to a third party. It is only used for initial sending of the password, any game related messages (mostly technical support) and if you lose your password it can be re-sent via that e-mail as well. As for passwords, they are stored encrypted so no administrator can see it (only the encrypted version of it). |
3. Collection and Use of Personal Information & Cookies |
To open your game account, we ask for basic personal information - your email and username that you will use to access the game. Your IP address and access times are tracked against your user in-game username for solo purpose of preventing cheating. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user's computer to keep track of your actions while you are logged in. We only use session cookies on this site because the game system needs this info in order to operate correctly. Your email will never be sold or given to any third party or be used to send any kind of spam. All passwords are encoded in database and nobody (not even administrators) can see them. If you want to close your account and erase your data, you can do so by stop using it for 21 days. After 21 days of inactivity, your account will automatically be locked and your email erased from our database. Your account stays as "inactive" in the game, but only uses your selected fantasy team and stadium name (game must do this in order to continue functioning properly). No third party is given access to any information you provide during registration. Access to game database is given only to people employed by the company Melderon d.o.o., Urbanova ulica 6, 1310 Ribnica, Slovenia |
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1. Why can't I see stats of players that are not mine? |
If you wish to see the statistics of a player, you can use the scouting feature or ask the manager who owns the player, if he would be willing to tell you the numbers (if you are willing to believe the other manager is another matter though). |
2. How can I see what kind of players the opponent has if I can't see their stats? |
You can check the players rating and you can also check the match reports to see his overall contribution to the game. |
3. Can I go into “red numbers” with my team and if so how much? |
Yes the board allows you to be up to – 200.000 € |
4. What if I go below – 200.000 €? |
You will receive a warning after which you'll have 1 week to get yourself out of financial troubles before your team goes into administration. If you manage to get your teams finances above – 200.000 € before the week is over then you're safe. If you don't, the team gets bankrupt. |
5. Why can't I sell my players? |
You probably don't have enough players left in your team. You can only sell or release a player if you have more than 9 players in your team. |
6. Why can't I buy a player that's on the transfer market? |
You need to have a positive balance on the teams bank account to be able to buy a player. |
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1. What is team chemistry? |
Team chemistry indicates how well the player has “gelled” with the team. Anything lower than 5 stars (meaning team chemistry of 20) and the players performance is impaired. With team chemistry 1 (a newly bought or pulled player has a team chemistry of 1) a player plays 30 % worse. Each game the player plays (friendly games included) adds 1 to players team chemistry. Players that are experienced can get 2 team chemistry points each game they play. Each point of team chemistry reduces the negative effect by 1.5%. |
2. How much experience do the players gain in a match? |
1 experience point for a friendly game 2 - 3 experience points for league/regional cup game 3 - 4 experience points for the regional cup final 4 - 6 experience points for League of Champions game 10 - 14 experience points for the League of Champions final. |
3. What is “Under Pressure” and what does it do? |
Under pressure shows the players mental state when the going gets tough. It is taken into account for the last 10 minutes of regular games and for the duration of the whole game in international or regional cup final games. |
4. What is Ball Control? |
Ball Control (BC) is the players ability to “handle” the ball, while he is stationary or in movement. |
5. What is Passing? |
Passing (PA) is the ability to give (passing high, straight or with a bounce) and receive the ball successfully. |
6. What is shooting? |
Shooting (SH) is the ability to launch the ball, with precision, at the goal. |
7. What is Off the Ball? |
Off the Ball (OB) encompasses all aspects of players movement while he is without a ball and on the attack. It is his ability to move in conjunction with the other players in a smooth flowing motion that enables him to be a threat to the opponent should he receive the ball. |
8. What is technique? |
Technique (TQ) is players knowledge of all of the aspects of handball game. |
9. What is Playmaking? |
Playmaking (PM) is an ability that is used solely by the playmaker. The ability enables him to lead the other attacking players in an organized fashion. |
10. What is Marking? |
Marking (MK) is the ability that allows the defensive player to position himself so that the attacking player he is covering doesn't have a clear shot at the goal. |
11. What is blocking? |
Blocking (BL) is the ability to stop an opponent without committing a foul. |
12. What are reflexes? |
Reflexes (RE) are the goalkeepers ability to stop shots from short distance with lightning fast moves. |
13. What is One on One? |
One on One (OO) is the goalkeepers ability that enables him to cope with situations where he finds himself alone (without any defenders) against an attacking player. |
14. Where's dribbling? |
Where dribbling is required, it is calculated using ball control, agility and technique. |
15. What is agility? |
Agility (AL) is the players ability to move with great ease when in a tight spot. It also means that an agile goalkeeper is able to stretch that centimeter more to stop the ball. Agility has a hidden cap (from 15 to 20) |
16. What is Speed? |
Speed (SP) is important for players as handball is a high paced game. With greater speed a player is capable of beating an opponent to that all important ball, shot... Speed has a hidden cap (from 13 to 20) |
17. What is Strength? |
Strength (ST) enables the player to stand fast and not crumble down when it comes to physical contact. Strength has a hidden cap (from 15 to 20) |
18. What is Jumping? |
Jumping (JU) is the ability to lift off the ground (either high or long) which enables the player to have a clearer shot at the goal. Jumping has a hidden cap (from 13 to 20). |
19. What is Stamina? |
Stamina (SM) enables the player to better withstand the pace of the whole game. |
20. What is Aggression? |
Aggression (AG) is a numeric representation of players natural drive towards reaching his objective. This, in extreme cases, may lead to deliberate fouls and unsportsmanlike behavior. |
21. What is Work Ethic? |
Work Ethic represents players willingness to train. |
22. What is Special Trait? |
Special Traits are not very common among players. Currently there are 7 different traits (creative player, fighter, explosive, egoistic, team leader, goalie-octopus & sharpshooter) possible. Each has a positive effect but they can have a negative effect as well. |
23. I saw a player on the transfer market without a club. How come? |
A player, once released (either intentionally by a manager or when an inactive club is replaced by a new one), has a certain percentage of chance not to get deleted out of the database. If he wins this “lottery”, the player is placed on transfer market for the period of 48 hours (just like a normally transfer listed player) with the asking price of 1.000 €. If he is bid upon, he goes to the highest bidder at the end of the transfer period (just like a normally transfer listed player). If he is not sold then he gets retired (permanently removed from the database). |
24. My player is injured but I can still put him in the formation. How can that be? |
Injured players can play if they have less than 7 days of rehabilitation left. Keep in mind though that an injured player won't play to the maximum of his abilities. - If the player still has from 4 to 6 days left he will play with 60% to 70% of his ability - If the player still has from 2 to 3 days left he will play with 71% to 80% of his ability - If the player still has 1 day left he will play with 81% to 95% of his ability |
25. What is the option “Youth players”? |
Twice a month (after the 1st and 15th every month) you have the chance to select one new youth player to join your team. You get 2 randomly created players and you may select one. The starting quality of the players is low but you can build the youth academy which gives you a chance to get slightly better players. With the youth academy you also get more players in the youth pull (up to 5) and you also get to see a few of their starting stats. |
26. So I just click on a youth player I want and he is mine? |
Exactly |
27. Why can't I see the stats of youth players? |
Youth players are players that scouts notice at your local schools, sport venues, parks... They show promise so they are brought to you to decide if and which one you want. None of these young players is investigated in any detail (unless you have the youth academy and it's upgrades) except for their name and age. Once you procure the Youth Academy you may see some of their stats (depends on the level of your Youth Academy). |
28. Why should I assign positions to my players? |
Positions are there so that you can have a clear view of your players when over viewing them. On the top are the Goalkeepers, then come the center backs, then left backs, right backs, left wingers, right wingers and lastly come the pivots. The other “bonus” to selecting their positions is that if one of your players gets sent off the computer is more likely to select the appropriate player for his replacement. |
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1. How does the training work? |
A player needs to reach 100 points in a particular skill to gain a level/point in that skill. Once he gains a level he again starts from 0 plus training points over the 100 from the last level gain. Each training cycle (once per week) a player gets 10 +- 2 training points automatically, he also gets points from work ethic and lastly each player also gets training points from the coaches skill times 2 (For Example: player is training attacking, the coaches skill in attacking is 17 so the player gets additional 34 training points). When training physical skills a player can also get an additional training points for the fitness centre and for each upgrade of it. He also gains/loses points depending on training intensity and players age. |
2. How does the training intensity effect the amount of training points received? |
Depending on the training intensity you can gain or lose training points and gain or lose energy. See details below: Maximum: +10% to +15% of training points, -8 to -10 energy and 4-5% chance of injury
Note! No matter how skilled physios you have, there will always be a 1% chance for your player to get injured.High: +4% to +10% of training points, -4 to -6 energy and 3-4% chance of injury Average: no training points bonus, no energy bonus and 2-3% chance of injury Low: -4% to -10% of training points, +4 to +6 energy and 1-2% chance of injury Very low: -10% to -15% of training points, +8 to +10 energy and -1% chance of injury |
3. How does players age influence the training? |
The amount of training points players receive each training cycle steadily decreases after the age of 27 and after the players reach 33 they don't receive any training points at all. This is because they need all the training just to sustain their skills. After the age of 32 the players also start to lose points in their physical skills. See the list below for more info. - Players aged 18 to 27 train normal and lose no points due to their age. - Players that are 28 years old lose 10% of their training. - Players that are 29 years old lose 20% of their training. - Players that are 30 years old lose 40% of their training. - Players that are 31 years old lose 60% of their training. - Players that are 32 years old lose 80% of their training. - Players that are 33 years old get no training points. They also lose from 10 to 15 points on Agility, Speed, Strength, Jumping and Stamina each training cycle. - Players that are 34 years old get no training points. They also lose from 16 to 20 points on Agility, Speed, Strength, Jumping and Stamina each training cycle. - Players that are 35 years old and above get no training points. They also lose from 21 to 25 points on Agility, Speed, Strength, Jumping and Stamina each training cycle. NOTE: No player skill can go below 12 because of his age. |
4. How do the training points get distributed among the players skills every training update? |
The distribution of points is different for the training regimes as they don't all have the same number of skills that are influenced by the particular training regime. Training points for defensive, technical and goalkeeping training regimes are distributed as follows; 60% of all the training points received by the player go to the first randomly selected defensive, technical or goalkeeping (depending on what you train) skill, 40% of all the training points received by the player go to the second defensive, technical or goalkeeping (depending on what you train) skill Training points for attacking training regime are distributed as follows; 40% of all the training points received by the player go to the first randomly selected attacking skill, 30% of all the training points received by the player go to the second randomly selected attacking skill, 20% of all the training points received by the player go to the third randomly selected attacking skill, 10% of all the training points received by the player go to the fourth and last attacking skill Training points for physical training regime are distributed as follows; 40% of all the training points received by the player go to the first randomly selected physical skill, 30% of all the training points received by the player go to the second randomly selected physical skill, 15% of all the training points received by the player go to the third randomly selected physical skill, 10% of all the training points received by the player go to the fourth randomly selected physical skill, 5% of all the training points received by the player go to the fifth and last physical skill |
5. If I choose “focus on”, does the skill that is selected get all of the available training points? |
No. Only a slightly larger percentage of training points will go the the selected skill. Note! 10% of all the training points goes to waste whenever you use the “focus on” option. Training points for defensive, technical and goalkeeping training regimes are distributed as follows; 75% of all the training points received by the player go to the selected defensive, technical or goalkeeping (depending on what you train) skill, 15% of all the training points received by the player go to the second defensive, technical or goalkeeping (depending on what you train) skill Training points for attacking training regime are distributed as follows; 70% of all the training points received by the player go to the selected attacking skill, 10% of all the training points received by the player go to the second randomly selected attacking skill, 5% of all the training points received by the player go to the third randomly selected attacking skill, 5% of all the training points received by the player go to the fourth and last attacking skill Training points for physical training regime are distributed as follows; 65% of all the training points received by the player go to the selected physical skill, 10% of all the training points received by the player go to the second randomly selected physical skill, 7% of all the training points received by the player go to the third randomly selected physical skill, 5% of all the training points received by the player go to the fourth randomly selected physical skill, 3% of all the training points received by the player go to the fifth and last physical skill |
6. What about the player's talent. How does that effect the training? |
Talent has no direct influence on training as such. It does however limit how high a player can reach in his skills. If a player has talent;
1 then his maximum is 11 2 then his maximum is 12 3 then his maximum is 13 4 then his maximum is 14 5 then his maximum is 15 6 then his maximum is 16 7 then his maximum is 17 8 then his maximum is 18 9 then his maximum is 19 10 then his maximum is 20 The only exceptions to this rule are Agility, Jumping, Speed, Stamina and Strength. Agility, Jumping, Speed and Strength are limited by a hidden maximum value (different for each player) that represents the maximum value player can reach even if he trains with weights each and every day. Stamina is not limited at all, and with extensive physical (fitness) training every player can reach 20 in stamina. |
7. Is it possible for a player to go above his maximum? |
No. |
8. Does playing games have any effect on player's training? |
No. By playing games, the player only increases his overall rating. Overall rating is improved only by playing games (friendly games included). |
9. How does the Defensive system/Attacking actions training work? |
All teams start with all the training systems at 60%. Each week you can train 1 system. The system you train in gets 4% to it's total. All the other systems lose 1% of their total. Note 1: The sum of all the defensive systems can't exceed or be lower than 300%. Note 2: If you train in a system, that needs 3% or less to the full 100%, then the other systems lose less or even nothing (if you train in a system that already has 100%). Note 3: If one of the systems you train in is 0% then another will lose 1 point for it (ie will lose 2 instead of 1). Note 4: Even if one of your systems is 50% or below, when using such a defensive system in a game, your players will play as if the system is at 50%. |
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1. What is the maximum capacity of the arena? |
The maximum size of an arena is 30.000. |
2. Why can't I select the third sponsor? |
You can only select the third sponsor once you own the arena. |
3. How much will it cost for me to own the arena? |
You need to pay 120.000 € to your city's/town's/village's ruling body for you to own the arena. |
4. Can I upgrade the seats if the arena is not mine? |
Yes, you can add additional 1.800 seats (the maximum size of the first arena is 3.000) |
5. Do I need to buy all the seating available before I upgrade the arena? |
No, if you wish you can upgrade the arena right away (provided you are the owner of course). |
6. What happens if I have a game while the arena is upgraded? |
You lose 25% of your capacity for the duration of the upgrade. |
7. What are VIP boxes? |
VIP seating is reserved for the wealthier class of people. It gives the occupant more space and prestige, but it also costs much more then the regular seats. Note! The maximum number of VIP boxes in the arena is 3.000. First size allows for 50 VIP boxes, second size allows for additional 100, third size 150, fourth size 200, fifth size 300, sixth size 400, seventh size 500, eight size 600 and the final ninth arena allows for 700 additional VIP boxes. |
8. Does there need to be a certain number of normal seats for me to be able to build VIP boxes? |
Number of normal seats has no bearing on VIP boxes, the only limitation is the arena size. |
9. How can I set the ticket price? |
Ticket price is fixed and is the same for everyone (no matter the league level). Basic seating ticket price is 15 € and the VIP box ticket is 45 €. |
10. How does the fan shop work? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
With the fan shop, you can sell your team merchandise. You need to know, however, that in order to keep the shop running, you need to pay every week for its maintenance. So, to successfully sell the merchandise you need to do good in the league games and preferably be in a higher level of competition. Basic earning is the amount that a team gets in the first level (top division), before being increased and/or decreased by various other factors. Below are all these factors and their effect on a basic earning: - Earning increase roughly by 10% for each league position above the last place - Earnings increase for 5% to 10%, if your team won the last league match - Earnings decrease for 5% to 10%, if your team lost the last league match - Earnings increase or decrease From 0 to 5% randomly to simulate basic economy - Earnings decrease for roughly 10% for each league level below the top division Shop earnings/maintenance table
11. How does the youth academy work? | ||||||||||||||||||||
Youth academy increases the number of youth players available to you each week. The players also have a chance to have higher starting skills than without this facility (skills range from 3 to 6 instead of 2 to 5), but the skill distribution is still random. With the youth academy upgrades you can also see a few random skills the player has. Youth academy maintenance/gains table
12. I upgraded the youth academy but didn't get the extra youth player on the selection list. Why? |
You probably already checked the available youth players for current cycle. Extra youth player will be available to you after the players get reset (once each 14 days). |
13. How much does the arena maintenance cost? |
Each regular seat costs 0.50 € per week and each VIP box costs 1.50 € per week. |
14. What are the construction times for the seat and arena upgrades? |
Seats are upgraded immediately, while the arena upgrade takes 14 days. |
15. How much do the seat upgrades cost? |
One seat costs 100 € and one VIP box costs 275 €. |
16. What are the construction times for facilities? |
Youth academy takes 15 days to build, fan shop 7 days and fitness centre 10 days. All upgrades of the facilities are instant. |
17. Can you explain the fitness centre? | |||||||||||||||
Fitness centre and each fitness centre upgrade adds 5% to the training points for Physical training group. The cost and maintenance for building/upgrading the fitness centre is as follows: Fitness centre cost and maintenance table
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1. Where do I create match orders for the next game? |
You go to Team->Matches and click on the “o” graphic on the right side (this graphic changes to green when you created the tactics for the match – NOTE: it does not show if your created formations are legal or illegal, so better check again just before the match). |
2. There's more than 1 tab in the match orders, do I need to fill everything? |
You need to fill the first tab where you decide which players will be in your team for the game (max. 14) and at least the starting formation (the other 2 are optional – depending on your tactical ideas). In the starting formation you need to fill in the roughness, fast break frequency, preferred player to shoot the 7 meter throws, playmaker, the defensive formation and the attack style and preferred side. |
3. Can I have different players for defence and offense? |
No, player “swaps” in the same formation are currently not supported. |
4. What happens if I don't set a playmaker? |
The central back (CB) will be selected as the default playmaker. |
5. How does the game engine work? |
The engine does not simulate the game in total detail. There are steps which the engine follows. Each step uses player stats from both teams (from how many players and which stats depends on what is currently happening). The outcome is then calculated and the appropriate next step is selected. EXAMPLE: - The engine decides that the attackers were successful and selects a specific player (which player depends on the match orders and a bit random) - The player goes for goal but needs to first get past his defender → a set of stats from both players are calculated and the winner is decided (in our case the attacking player). - The defensive player beaten, the attacker jumps and shoots → a set of stats from the attacker and the goalkeeper are calculated and the outcome is decided (in this example, the goalkeeper is successful) - The goalkeeper reflexes stop the ball and it bounces down harmlessly. He picks up the ball and passes it to the nearest teammate → a set of stats are again calculated to see if this was successful - The match continues as long as there is still time left on the clock ... |
6. What's the difference between the 5 roughness settings? |
Roughness defines how aggressive the players will be when attacking and when defending. This in turn also brings the chance of a 2 minute suspension and/or attacking foul up or down. The higher the setting the more they will work in defence and offense and the more chance of a suspension and/or attacking foul. The lower the setting the less they will work in defence and offense and lower the chance of a suspension and/or attacking foul. “Normal” is the only setting that does absolutely nothing. |
7. What is a fast break and what is the difference between the 5 settings? |
A fast break occurs when a team who was a moment ago on the defence gets the ball and immediately goes on the offensive. If the team is fast enough then they may out pace the now defenders and have a numerical superiority in the first attack.
The higher the setting of fast breaks the greater the number of fast breaks that will be attempted. Note: To successfully play fast breaks you need to have fast players. |
8. different player positions (3-2-1 defensive 5-1 attacking formation in the example below) |
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9. What is a Goalkeeper? |
A goalkeeper (G) is the player whose role is to defend the goal. He moves in a shallow arc keeping the ball between him and the goal. The goalkeeper is the only player that is allowed to touch and/or hold the ball while in the 6 meter area. |
10. What is an Outside Defender? |
Outside defender (OD) is the defensive player that stands opposite to a winger. He needs to be faster and more agile than the rest of the defenders. In the formation editor the ODs are the OL (left outside defender) and the OR (right outside defender). |
11. What is a Line Defender? |
Line defender (LD) is the player that stand in front of the 6 meter area anywhere between the outside defenders. LDs should be taller and stronger than the other defenders. In the formation editor the LDs are the; LD (line defender), LL (left line defender), LR (right line defender) and L1 to L4 (line defender 1, 2, 3 and 4). |
12. What is a Half Defender? |
Half defender (HD) is a player whose position is roughly at the 9 meter line. He moves forward or backward depending on the situation. His main role is to disrupt the normal game flow and to try and get the opponent to make mistakes. He uses more energy since he has more area to cover. In the formation editor if there is only one half defender he is labelled as HD otherwise they are labelled as HL (left half defender) and HR (right half defender). |
13. What is a Forward Defender? |
Forward defender (FD) stands deep in the field (forward of the 9 meter line). He is the most aggressive of the defenders, harassing the attacking players, trying to force them to make mistakes. His defensive area is the biggest among the defenders and thus uses the most energy. In the formation editor the forward defenders are labelled as FL (left forward defender), FD (central forward defender) and FR (right forward defender). |
14. What's 6-0 defence? |
6-0 defence is the defensive setup where all 6 players move on the 6 meter line. This is a very compact defensive formation and doesn't give much room to individuals trying to get pass (by dribbling). Since they don't move forward as much they leave a lot of room for jump shots from far. In THB this formation consists of 2 ODs and 4 LDs. |
15. What's 5-1 defence? |
5-1 defence utilizes 5 players on the line and 1 player moved forward to the nine meter line. The forward player attempts to disrupt the attacking play with swift reactions, while the other 5 try to keep the attacking players from breaking through. This formation is especially good against teams playing running in. Attackers playing crossing are very dangerous against this formation. In THB this formation consists of 2 ODs, 3 LDs and 1 HD |
16. What's 4-2 defence? |
4-2 defence uses 2 players in front. The 2 players attempt to stop the shots from the distance. At the same time they leave a gap for a possible breakthrough (by dribbling). The line defenders in this formation keep an eye on the pivot and cover any gap(s) that may occur. In THB this formation consists of 2 ODs, 2 LDs and 2 HDs |
17. What's 3-2-1 defence? |
3-2-1 is a slightly less aggressive formation than 3-3. The 3 (2-1) players in front form a rough triangle that cooperates with each other and the back 3 in order to prevent attacking actions, especially crossing. This formation is vulnerable to play on pivot since there is effectively only 1 defender covering him. In THB this formation consists of 2 ODs, 1 LD, 2 HDs and 1 FD |
18. What's 3-3 defence? |
3-3 defence is a dynamic and a very aggressive form of defence. The front 3 players are there to disrupt any attacking actions and force the opponent to make mistakes. Teams playing on jump shot have a tough time getting through this defence. 3-3 is also a very dangerous formation to play since it leaves little room for second chances should an opponent get behind one of the defenders. This is most true of opponents playing running in. In THB this formation consists of 2 ODs, 1 LD and 3 FDs |
19. What is a Winger? |
A winger is a player that plays on the left (LW) or right (RW) side of the field when attacking. The hand he is using is of great importance. Left winger (LW) should ideally use his right hand and the right winger (RW) should use his left. The winger needs to shoot from a very narrow angle, which he tries to enlarge, by jumping towards the center, then shooting. Nimble players with good technique and good jumping skill are usually good candidates for this position. |
20. What is a left/right/center back |
Left back (LB) and right back (RB) are the players that are positioned on the inside of the wingers (LB is right of LW and RB is left of RW) or to put it better left and right backs are between the wings and the center back (CB). Backs in general are players that hold the whole team together. Virtually everything goes through them. They either start and/or finish the plays. One of them (usually CB) is also always the playmaker. |
21. What is a pivot? |
Pivot (P) or the circle runner (as he is also known) is the player that attempts to disrupt the defence from the inside. He intermingles with the defence setting up blocks, moving where he's most needed or where he's supposed to be for a certain play. Pivot is also the only player in the attacking team who benefits from greater physical strength. In the formation editor when playing 2 pivots they are labelled as PL (left pivot) and PR (rigt pivot) |
22. What is a playmaker? |
Playmaker is usually a more experienced player. He is well versed in all the tactical aspects of the game. He calls plays (as per coaches/managers instruction) and makes sure that the team functions as it should. |
23. How come a Pivot/Winger can be a Playmaker? |
Although we allow Pivots and Wingers as playmakers they lose a percentage of their overall ability. Pivots are 40% worse than normal and Wingers are 20% worse. |
24. What is “jump shot”? |
Jump shot is an attacking system whose main purpose is to shoot from distance over the heads of the defenders into the goal. Jump shot is effective when using high players against a more static defence (especially 6-0) of preferably lower players (to maximize the visible goal area and reduce the chance of a blocked shot). 3-3, a deep and dynamic defence system, uses the forward players to disrupt jump shooting. |
25. What is “play on pivot” |
Play on pivot are all the plays that use pivot as the main protagonist of the action. 3-2-1 is especially vulnerable against such play, while the 4-2 is the exact opposite. |
26. What is crossing? |
Crossing is achieved when two players cross/switch positions, with the aim to lead the defenders down the wrong path (getting the 2 defending players to be in each others way), thus providing the recipient of the ball (the player that crosses behind the original owner of the ball) to have a clear path towards the goal. Crossing is ineffective against 3-2-1 and it works excellently against 5-1. |
27. What is “running in”? |
Running in encompasses a number of different playing actions whose ultimate goal is to get a player run into free space, in the defence, and shoot. It is effective against 3-3 defence formation and ineffective against 5-1. |
28. What is dribbling? |
Dribbling is an individuals ability to get past his defender or to draw his right or left team-mates defender to him. This can be done by number of ways. Most common are the side step faint, 3 step faint, right-left faint, rolling faint, shot faint and cross step faint. Dribbling is especially good against 4-2 defensive formation and it is ineffective against 6-0 formation. |
29. What are counter attacks? |
A counter attack happens when a defender steals the ball from the attackers. Before they even realize what is happening the defender (now the attacker) is already half way across the field. The player then jumps and shoots with only the goalkeeper there to stop him. |
30. What happens if I play a defensive formation which is good/bad against a particular attacking style? |
The skill value of the whole team is raised/lowered by 10% |
31. But, in real life, defensive formations are effective against more than 1 attacking system?!? |
This is a game and it's meant to be fun. This way we provide entertainment and tactical decisions that are understood by all (that take the time to read this) and not just by those who are handball experts. |
32. In real life defenders are not static, they move and help each other, many times doubling on an attacking player in order to stop him. Is this the case in THB? |
Currently, no. This version of the engine does not support doubling on a player. When it comes to the moment when an attacker goes for goal, all that stands in the way, is that 1 defender that is in front of him. |
33. How does stamina influence a player's game? |
For every point of stamina a player loses 0,1% less energy. With stamina 1 a player loses 2,4% of energy for every 5 minutes that he plays. With stamina 20, a player loses the basic, 0,5% of energy every 5 minutes of the game. |
34. If a player finishes a game with XY% of energy, does he keep this XY% or does he have the same amount of energy that he had before the game? |
Energy loss during the game is “lost” for that game only. It is considered that the players are physically well prepared and that their natural regeneration replenishes all the energy lost during the game day. Note: Energy can only be lost when training on a higher level. |
35. How is players performance influenced by experience? |
Experience influences all players for the last 10 minutes of a regular game. In all important games (cup finals and League of Champions - LoC), it influences players actions for the duration of the whole game and not just the last 10 minutes. The effect of experience can be positive as well as negative, depending on the number of experience points a player has (or doesn't have as it may be). |
36. If I get my player sent off for the third time (red card) which player replaces him? |
The computer selects your replacement player based on the red carded players position. First it tries to find the exact position, if that is unsuccessful it tries to find the general position (unless the player is pivot in which case this step is skipped), if that is also unsuccessful, then it tries to find an outfield player (bar pivot), then a pivot (unless the red carded player is pivot in which case see previous step), then the goalkeeper. If there are no positions assigned to the players then the selection is completely random. If there is more than 1 player assigned to a position the computer is searching for, then the computer selects the first player it encounters (you can actually use this fact to your advantage). |
37. Is there any penalty (other then missing the rest of the game) for players that get a red card? |
No, there are no penalties after the game for a red carded player. |
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1. Can I (or you) change my username? |
No, username cannot be changed. |
2. How big can my team badge/logo be? |
Maximum dimension for Team badge/logo is 140x140 pixels, and the file size of the uploaded image must not exceed 100 Kilobytes. |
3. How big can my avatar be? |
The avatar can be maximum 100x100 pixels and the file site cannot exceed 100 Kilobytes. |
4. Why can't I change my badge/avatar? |
Badges and avatars can only be uploaded by users with supporter account. |
5. My club got blocked due to inactivity, can I get it back? |
No, unfortunately once your team gets locked by the computer, the lock is permanent. |
6. I got blocked for cheating, can I get my team back? |
If your team was permanently blocked, it was because of a really serious breach of rules and it will not be unblocked. |
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1. Why can't I make a sticky (topic)? |
You need to be either a Local or Global moderator to do that. |
2. Can I use HTML code to post pictures and/or links? |
No, HTML code is not allowed. The only links allowed are the links to players and teams in TeamHB. |
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1. When are friendly games being played? |
The starting time for the home team region(league) is taken into account when arranging a friendly match. |
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1. Prize money - League competition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Prize money - Cup competitions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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1. Number of call-ups |
Each NT manager has 18 call-ups available at the beginning of each World Cup cycle. |
2. Maximum number of players |
Maximum number of players in each National Team is limited to 18. |