Let's develop a League Stats functionality
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Posted on 2023-03-31 23:32:44   
Posts: 323
Hi to all programmers in the community!

As the Game Owner does not respond to my messages and attempts to contact him in regards to voluntarily contributing to the game, I have an idea to develop a script that will scrape the game regularly (that will run on a server instance from a fake account) and provide some interesting insights about League Stats:

* Trophy History records
* 1-vs-1 Match History
* Top League scorer

If you are interested to work together on it, feel free to comment.

Posted on 2023-04-02 14:12:33   
Posts: 2059
Joined: 2011-01-15
ady_aly wrote:

Hi to all programmers in the community!

As the Game Owner does not respond to my messages and attempts to contact him in regards to voluntarily contributing to the game, I have an idea to develop a script that will scrape the game regularly (that will run on a server instance from a fake account) and provide some interesting insights about League Stats:

* Trophy History records
* 1-vs-1 Match History
* Top League scorer

If you are interested to work together on it, feel free to comment.

As I understand, a real account will be needed. That might be a problem. Without a confirmation from Admins, it might violate the rules and brings some kind of problems.
About the development, your idea is right and it will be useful. What I was thinking is to give people useful tools, like evaluating value of players, predictions of training etc. For my usage I have written some kind of such tool in Java, but this is an external software, so I need to provide data for it manually. But it helps me a lot of, like calculating skills, training and other stuff. Such things would be probably possible to achieve by installing some kind of web scripts. I am not kind of such things, nor a big fan. My calculator, as we could call it, is enough for me. Nevertheless, if we want to create something for all managers, scripts, as you said, are much more useful. As I know, some kind of such tool was made at the beginning of the game, but it is not available anymore. Maybe we should reconsider to bring it back?
But still, I would prefer to communicate with admins and get answer from them. Obviously, the question is, would they like to talk with us about that? I've got no idea, but as I understand you have some kind of experience, it seems that not successful experience

Posted on 2023-04-03 8:33:15   
[THB] Admin
Posts: 936
ady_aly wrote:

Hi to all programmers in the community!

As the Game Owner does not respond to my messages and attempts to contact him in regards to voluntarily contributing to the game, I have an idea to develop a script that will scrape the game regularly (that will run on a server instance from a fake account) and provide some interesting insights about League Stats:

* Trophy History records
* 1-vs-1 Match History
* Top League scorer

If you are interested to work together on it, feel free to comment.

Let's be honest here and tell the whole truth before we proceed, just so that other members of this community won't think you are getting ghosted about this idea.

After your message about wanting to help (it's appreciated by the way), we did talk to the owner and did message you back with all the info we received.
Long story short again - some code is under NDA, copyright from other developers working for a company awhile ago, etc... it's just not that simple.
Game owner himself is having personal issues for the last year or so (health related) so if he is not willing to debate this thing for now, that's his right and he also has his right on privacy (this being a private company, not a listed one ).

As for the script. Overall, we don't mind if you guys come up with a tool that organizes data or stats or similar, but word of caution - scrapping the website can bring the website on its knees if it's done the wrong way. We already had such problem in our other web game and the account of the "scrapper" was blocked for denial of service attack.
Shortly - don't make a script that makes multiple calls to "display web site for data scrapping" per second (or anything similar that would overburden the server)

Posted on 2023-04-03 14:42:16   
Posts: 323

Thank you for your response, basically, that is what I wanted to provoke with my post.

It's true that you answered with that info, and I replied with my wish to do a video interview, I gave you my personal data and sent my Resume, and my Linkedin profile so you can't see who I am and that I am not an idiot who will steal the code after so many years of playing the game and working in the industry. I'm just a guy who would analyze some parts and fix some glitches that make the game unreal (players with 40+ years are still taking an important part in the game - it is not a joy playing with that bug)

The argument of the code under NDA from devs worked a while ago. This is the first time in my career I hear that. Google, Amazon, etc should have stopped working at the time the creators of the original algorithms left the company Sorry, but it doesn't make any sense. That fact is so outdated and if you really mean that, does it mean this game will never be improved?

Didn't know about the reasons for the Game Owner not being available to talk, I wish him the very best to recover from anything that happened to him. Still, I think it would be more professional to let someone else take care of the game instead of ignoring every way of doing something for the game.

Again, agree that this is a private company and the game owner doesn't need to listen to its users, and okay, it's our choice of playing it or not.

And about the script, it would probably be a cron job, running a headless Chrome or some browser agent, logging in a fake(but real existing one) account), and just navigating the site, scraping the HTML, and storing data in its own database. Then, a script on the user's end would just pull that data from that server. And about the server request, we would certainly set some sleep timeout between each request so it would look like any other traffic from a real manager.

Posted on 2023-04-03 16:46:50   
[THB] Admin
Posts: 936
Seriously, I didn't see your post as "provocation" of any kind.
I just wanted to set things straight, so other users won't think you were completely ignored.

And after I read your post, we think that we both agree that it's in owner's discretion if he is or is not interested in any kind of deal.
What exactly the arrangements for some (albeit outdated) pieces of the code are, I don't know and to tell you the truth, I don't care.

I mostly wanted to address your post about making a scraping service. And I repeat - if you make it so it won't overburden the server (or search for any loopholes in the system/game), then we have absolutely nothing against it.

ady_aly wrote:


Thank you for your response, basically, that is what I wanted to provoke with my post.

It's true that you answered with that info, and I replied with my wish to do a video interview, I gave you my personal data and sent my Resume, and my Linkedin profile so you can't see who I am and that I am not an idiot who will steal the code after so many years of playing the game and working in the industry. I'm just a guy who would analyze some parts and fix some glitches that make the game unreal (players with 40+ years are still taking an important part in the game - it is not a joy playing with that bug)

The argument of the code under NDA from devs worked a while ago. This is the first time in my career I hear that. Google, Amazon, etc should have stopped working at the time the creators of the original algorithms left the company Sorry, but it doesn't make any sense. That fact is so outdated and if you really mean that, does it mean this game will never be improved?

Didn't know about the reasons for the Game Owner not being available to talk, I wish him the very best to recover from anything that happened to him. Still, I think it would be more professional to let someone else take care of the game instead of ignoring every way of doing something for the game.

Again, agree that this is a private company and the game owner doesn't need to listen to its users, and okay, it's our choice of playing it or not.

And about the script, it would probably be a cron job, running a headless Chrome or some browser agent, logging in a fake(but real existing one) account), and just navigating the site, scraping the HTML, and storing data in its own database. Then, a script on the user's end would just pull that data from that server. And about the server request, we would certainly set some sleep timeout between each request so it would look like any other traffic from a real manager.

Posted on 2023-04-03 17:56:36   
Posts: 2321
Joined: 2012-02-02
Administrator wrote:

Seriously, I didn't see your post as "provocation" of any kind.
I just wanted to set things straight, so other users won't think you were completely ignored.

And after I read your post, we think that we both agree that it's in owner's discretion if he is or is not interested in any kind of deal.
What exactly the arrangements for some (albeit outdated) pieces of the code are, I don't know and to tell you the truth, I don't care.

I mostly wanted to address your post about making a scraping service. And I repeat - if you make it so it won't overburden the server (or search for any loopholes in the system/game), then we have absolutely nothing against it.

Posted on 2023-04-05 13:36:33   
Posts: 2059
Joined: 2011-01-15
Good to know, thanks for the answers


Let me take advantage of the moment that we are talking about improving this game. Currently, there are two types of annoying things in this game- big and small

Small thing might be for example this that you cannot choose a value higher than 90 in training option "Rest all players with energy lower than"- I beg you for it especially, because it is really annoying one . It would take probably a few moments to fix it just by adding two missing values- 95 and 100. There are a few more such minor issues which are easy to fix and which might significantly improve the experience of playing this game.

Big one might be retirement. Still, you can fix it with smaller effort, just implementing the rule that players in NT can not be older than 40 years old, for example. For the first version of the solution, it would be enough. Nobody cares about BOT teams, but real managers would be forced to find new younger players. In the next step, you can think about changing the whole policy of retirement with changing the age of retirement (31 is definitely too small value because players reach the max value at the age of 32)

No one expects that you will fix big things as fast as possible, but I think that you are able to make a minimal value solution pretty quickly. Still, you have small things, like that option training which might be fixed just by adding two number values.


Posted on 2023-04-05 13:53:06   
Posts: 1307
Joined: 2009-09-25
kamilos wrote:

Big one might be retirement. Still, you can fix it with smaller effort, just implementing the rule that players in NT can not be older than 40 years old, for example. For the first version of the solution, it would be enough. Nobody cares about BOT teams, but real managers would be forced to find new younger players. In the next step, you can think about changing the whole policy of retirement with changing the age of retirement (31 is definitely too small value because players reach the max value at the age of 32)

More simple : remove the 13 points physically down limit (or change its 13 to 1, I don't know how it works). Very very easy thing I believe.

Plus, for ady-aly first idea maybe having a goalkeeper league ranking by save percentage wwould be cool.

Bronzés, barjots, costauds, experts, tels sont les Melons !

Posted on 2023-04-09 22:13:24   
Posts: 323

The easy part is pretty much done, I've built a scraper that works and is capable to go back in history and collect all results and store it in the local database. From there, we can make queries to get top stats for player goals and goalkeeping saves.

However, I spent some time exploring what would be the best way to show this in the game itself, so I wanted to ask the Admin would you guys be able to add my script as part of your HTML, so everyone has access to the info. I would use the same HTML and CSS to fit the content nicely into the game.

If this is not an option, it causes a lot of trouble for players, especially those who are not skilled in informatics.
EVERYONE who would want to see the data as part of the game website would need to install a new browser (that supports some kind of client scripts) on Android/iPhone in order to access data from mobile devices (because default ones do not allow that for security reasons). For laptops/desktops, you will have to install a GreaseMonkey/Tampermonkey or something similar.

Another option, which I don't prefer too much, is to create some kind of Google Sheet with all of those data. It's the easiest option for me as a developer, but it doesn't have that nice feeling as when you are seeing it as part of the game

Posted on 2023-04-25 13:54:30   
Posts: 169
Joined: 2020-06-04
There were in the old days some greasemonkey-script-thingy (Note my pro-lingo), and at least in the swedish forums we had an excelsheet programmed to show potential and ratings in players.

Used those a lot back in early -10s but they disapeared with it's maker.

I'm really just stopping by to cheer you on - every addition is a fun addition!

Nice to see stats coming up in the other forums now too

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