Maximum age for player
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Posted on 2020-06-08 14:42:39   
Posts: 2249
Joined: 2012-07-09
GunterJameda wrote:

Well, I guess I came a little late to comment to all this. Neverthless, I'll write my opinion down, so you can know it and discuss it if you want too.

I started to play this game in 2010, if I'm not mistaken. Then I left and recently I rejoined because of some friends that were still playing. They invited me and I came. I must say I'll getting bored already, 1 year and a half later after restarting, of playing this game. If just doesn't feel right anymore.

There are a lot of things that need to be changed. Let's not talk about new features, because if we do so, this wouldn't end and we would need to develop an entire new game. ahah

For me, makes sense to restructure the retirement stuff in there. It makes no sense that we have 50 yo players and taht Dane with 61, of the time of this post, that are still playing when in real life we have stars coming out at 32, 34 yo. But well, nothing like a random algorithm that says "between 32 and 38", the player will retire. Done. Problem solved. Easy as that.

Of course, there will be people that will care about the medals. Old players will be their structure, because there's no way they can raise new players to NT to compete with all the grandpas in there. Economy is quite a trash. I'm playing since November 2018 and I don't have my arena at 21k as I pretended yet. It's just non-sense.

There's still a lot more we could try to improve. But I would focus on this two points first.

Of course we have to understand that if Melderon still has this game only for the sake of money, they won't do a thing, and the game eventually will die. But if they still have the passion for the sport and for the project they have in hands, they will listen to us and try to develop the game further, may it be fixing bugs only (and I'm not talking about lack of money and stuff, but these things we discussed in this post) or developing new features.

Posted on 2020-06-15 12:33:19   
Posts: 43
Joined: 2019-11-11
I´m faily new to the game, therefore my knowledge is limited, but i have the feeling that very minor adjustements (programing-wise) to the code adressing retirement would have a huge impact in the game.
I believe someone in this thread said this same thing.

Posted on 2020-06-15 13:41:23   
Posts: 2321
Joined: 2012-02-02
Ragnbone wrote:

I´m faily new to the game, therefore my knowledge is limited, but i have the feeling that very minor adjustements (programing-wise) to the code adressing retirement would have a huge impact in the game.
I believe someone in this thread said this same thing.

That's right , unfortunately there was no response from the admins
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